Friday, November 2, 2012

post 1 oct 29- nov 4

I visited the friendship page and was really confused on what to read. In the advice forum I really didn’t find any friendship problems, all I saw were ads and links to other websites. I will just talk about the problems that arose in this weeks reading and how important they are to keep a friendship. Trust is a big problem that is talked about in this weeks reading. A whole relationship is built on trust and if there is none then there is no relationship. My best friend lives six hours away from me and we tell each other everything, I trust that she is not going to tell her new friends things I tell her in private. In this weeks reading it also talked about how you have to give time to your friends to hang out even if you’re in another intimate relationship with a boyfriend/ girlfriend. That is true because if you break up with that person your friend will be the one they’re helping you deal with it. Neglecting a friend for a boyfriend or girlfriend is not right.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about keeping and maintaining friendships even if you have a significant other because no matter what happens, your friends will always, always be there for you and a boyfriend or girlfriend can come and go just like seasons. I have been through that many times, because my friends tend to neglect me and not call me to hang out because they are caught up with their boyfriends all the time. It makes me very angry and it causes me to not want to try any longer in our friendship. It has ruined my friendship with many people and I hope it doesn't ruin anyone else's anymore.
