Saturday, November 17, 2012

post #1, nov12-18

When I hear the word family the first thing I think of is those people you can trust that will always be there for you. The meaning of family is a group of people that you happened to be related to that you couldn’t pick, but they will be the closest things to you. My immediate family is really close and we love each other, there is a lot of criticism with my cousins, it seems like they can’t keep their mouth shut. Both of my parents are very supportive and don’t criticize my decisions. They do try and get me to set an example because I am the oldest. Family members are always supposed to be there even when no one else isn’t. I believe that you have to treat family better than friends because they are the ones that are there until the end. My parents partake in total marriage; they are both in love and spend as much time as they can together. 

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